
Core Academics

Language Arts, French, Mathematics, Social Studies, History, Geography, Science & Technology

Classes are hands-on and include a mix of traditional teacher-centred approaches and student-directed initiatives. Children learn in a variety of ways. Our teachers continuously evaluate student progress in order to meet their unique needs and support them in real time. Small class sizes with caring and devoted teachers in a nurturing environment make this possible. Preparation for high school begins in Grade 7 with specified guidance on school choice, academics, portfolios, interview skills, and auditions.

The Arts

Visual Art, Dance, Music, Drama

The Cole Academy of Toronto values the arts, not only as a form of self-expression, but also as an important avenue for learning in all subjects. Many young people, especially those from marginalized and silenced communities, may find it challenging finding words to explain their life experience. The Arts offer a way to communicate and formulate a personal identity.

Movement and Athletics

Phys Ed, Dance, Extra-Curricular Sports, Drama, Forest Immersions

Growing and developing young people need to move! The Cole Academy offers several daily opportunities for students to get up, move around, and exercise. Whether through our regular Phys Ed program, extra-curricular sports through the Small Schools Athletic Federation (SSAF), or our weekly Forest School days. Regular recess breaks, outdoor time, and excursions allow students new and unique opportunities to enhance growth and learning.

Non-Academic Courses

Cooking, Meditation, Self-Care, Life Management, Communication, Academic Skills, Health and Development, Volunteerism, Responsible Activism, Environmental Studies

To help children develop a well-rounded understanding of themselves as an active and valuable person in the world, The Cole Academy of Toronto offers a wide range of non-academic classes. We offer age-appropriate Life Management classes, where students explore anything from budgeting, to time management, to organizational skills, and self-care. Through these classes, The Cole Academy strives to support and promote each student’s sense of individualism, pride, confidence, empathy, and kindness. A progressive Human Development program addresses issues related to interpersonal relationships, body awareness and growth, sexuality, identity, and self-esteem. Intermediate students will receive direct, individualized assistance in preparation for high school.

Student Mapping & Success Program

This system is unique to our school and has been developed by TCAT academics and professionals. The Mapping & Success Program is a living document that is maintained throughout a student’s time with us, and is revisited regularly throughout the year. This document is not an official diagnostic, but it does act as a touchstone for TCAT teachers and professionals to guide students and continuously fine-tune specific and successful learning and teaching approaches. At TCAT, we believe that all students should have an Individualized Education Plan regardless of academic status.

High School Preparation:

It is very important to us that all TCAT students are prepared for future academics and schooling as they move on from us, whether it be high school or other specialized programming. TCAT staff, teachers and admin will work closely with students and families - beginning in Grade 7 - to ensure that they are informed about options, and that any preliminary materials are prepared well in advance (auditions, portfolios, application forms, etc…). Secondary education applications approach quickly, so we start early!

Photography by Teen Artist Zoe McIntosh